Minigame Review #1: Murder Mystery

A very popular minigame, Murder mystery is a quick game on Hypixel server, and is one of the most popular games on Hypixel as of May 2017, and is still a prototype! Murder mystery has great rules, great roles, and beautiful maps built by the skilled Hypixel builders.

At the beginning of each game, you get assigned a role: You are either the Murderer, the Detective, or an Innocent. There are 14 innocents, but only one murderer, and only one detective.

If you're the murderer, your goal is to kill every innocent in five minutes. You have a sword that can be thrown, and no one knows you are the murderer unless they see your sword, or you're obvious about it, so stay sneaky!

If you're one of the many innocents, stay alive as long as you can, and avoid dying at the hands of the murderer (or falling off a ledge). Try to collect gold, because if you get 10 you have one bow shot! Warning: If you shoot the detective or a fellow innocent you both die!

If you're the detective, it's your job to bring down the murderer. If you shoot the murderer with your bow, which has to reload but has infinite shots, the innocents and you are victorious. If the you die, you drop your bow for an innocent to pick up and take your place. If you shoot a fellow innocent you both die!

Murder Mystery is a great game, and has mystery in it, making it a great game to watch, even if you're not the one playing.

Not only does this prototype have great rules, but it also has great maps! The maps in this game are amazing, and all of them (except for headquarters) have a special bonus way you can spend your gold. In Archives you can create a secret passageway, in Towerfall you can open the trap, and in Library you can buy mystery potions from nearby cauldrons! 

Here's a list of all the maps in Murder Mystery, from oldest to newest. (As of Version 0.3)

A work building, headquarters is filled with details, including many offices, meeting rooms, and even a bathroom. Headquarters was the first Murder Mystery map, being the only map for a while. Headquarters has many hiding spots, you can hide near the fish tank, you can hide on the sea lantern lamps, you can even hide on top of the bathroom stalls.

Image result for Murder Mystery Hypixel transport
An isolated space station, Transport is a deadly map for the innocents, and hiding spots are scarce. Among the biggest Murder Mystery maps, Transport has a 'Rapid Transport' which is a tunnel that will blast you to the other side of the map, for only 2 gold. The space station contains a big room with a window (the safest spot, often filled with witnesses) and a large bunker area. Tip: Keep moving.

A closed museum, Archives is filled with storage boxes and exhibits filled with hiding spots. The map isn't that big, and like Transport, has enclosed passageways, but has may perfect sniping spots for the detective. In the main room, there's a giant globe that is made of glass and water. Awesome! This map has a secret passageway that opens for a pricey 4 gold. Fortunately, once open, it stays open for the rest of the game.

Image result for towerfall murder mystery
A crumbling medieval fortress, Towerfall is jam packed with secrets, including a trapdoor, an open window, and a painting you can walk through. Towerfall is beautiful, and contains a trap door, as mentioned before. It will open for one gold, and sends anyone on it hurdling towards a terrible death on the ground below.

Image result for hypixel murder mystery Hypixel World
Hypixel World
Released in version 0.3, Hypixel World is an abandoned theme park filled with hiding spots. It contains two roller coasters: Monorail and Volcano Run, and even a haunted house that's "Fun for all ages." Unfortunately, the rides cost one gold to ride, but they are worth it, granting you safety for the next few seconds. A cheeky strategy for the Murderer is camping at the end of a ride, to kill anybody who hops off.


A friendly map, Library has many details, including passageways, parkour, a lounge, a green house, and a warm cabin out in the snow. The library map has Mystery cauldrons scattered around it, and right clicking the cauldron will get you a mystery potion! They give you an effect for a short period of time, like invincibility, invisibility, or speed. Unfortunately, there's a risk of getting a bad effect, like 10 seconds of blindness, or 15 seconds of slowness. Mystery potions cost only one gold, but you can hold only five at a time. Drink them fast!

Murder Mystery is a prototype game that is constantly being updated. This article contains info on Murder Mystery as of April 30th, 2017. Below are more pictures from the game.

 Above and below are pictures of the Towerfall map on the outside. You can only get at these angles as a spectator.

Above:A big tree in the middle of the headquarters map. Unfortunately, you can't climb it. Below: The girls's washroom in headquarters.

Hypixel's logo engraved on a Towerfall wall.

Image result for hypixel

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